Saturday, March 07, 2009

Info of the day.

I've been thinking should I get back into blogging, perhaps yes.. though brian, u did 2 post in a day was kinda awesome but both are just merely review of gts 250 and geforce 9800gtx+.

Here something for the day:
Foldable Mirror. From the way it looks, creative??
Imagine a mirror which is so flexible.Here's a solution.Thought the shape itself is weird like a window but hey it wasn't that bad after all.

In japan, UQ WiMax finally officially release the USB type of WiMax. Very convenient and compact in my view. However there are already people been asking me... wouldn't it be an issue to upgrade the firmware of it? I've been thinking... maybe yeah it might be a trouble. Besides, that who's the manufacturer? S-A-M-S-U-N-G~! Yes, it's samsung. one of the Computer Hardware manufacturer.
I know, I know she's a pretty model.

This is what they announce back few months ago.

Kinda various for WiMax users to choose.

A demo unit is presented. The performance? I've no idea

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